연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Korea-Taiwan Joint Symposium: Functional Polymers for Future Applications (English)
발표장 제7회장 (103)
논문코드 1L7-1
발표일 2018-10-11
발표시간 13:30-14:00
논문제목 Organic thermoelectric fibers and papers for applications to energy harvesting devices
발표자 장광석
발표자 소속 한양대학교 에리카캠퍼스
저자 장광석
소속 한양대학교 에리카캠퍼스
논문초록 Recently organic thermoelectric materials have attracted much attention because of their potential applications to solution-processed flexible thermoelectric generators. Ideally, morphologies of organic thermoelectric materials can be diversified to realize high-performance organic thermoelectric generators with various device structures. However, research on organic thermoelectric materials has been limited to film-type morphology. In this study, we report on the facile solution-processes for fabrication of organic thermoelectric fibers and papers, which demonstrate excellent thermoelectric performance and reasonable stability for high-performance organic fiber- and paper-based thermoelectric generators.